Friday, March 16, 2007

Snow Geese

A flock of migrating Canada Geese pauses for a break on the Potomac River

The migrants find open water on the rivers and streams but most of our lakes and ponds are still covered in ice. I have noticed many migrant birds the last few days. Grackles, cowbirds, and robins are now here in significant numbers. Last night the spring peepers were singing loudly, but today we have received about six inches of snow and it is still snowing.


photowannabe said...

That's a lot more snow...hope Spring comes soon to you. In the nean time keep the beautiful pictures coming.

Anonymous said...

We are also seeing more migrating birds here. Some finches are arriving and beginning to moult.

Thanks for stopping. I answered you comment at the 720pixels blog.

Yes, compared to most people, I do get a lot of wildlife traffic but it was kind of planned that way as I turned it into a backyard wildlife sanctuary about 40 years ago.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Wow, still getting snow!

Anna said...

Wow...this is pretty! And cold looking! Thanks for your nice comments to me...I appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

Wish we could get one more good snow. Seems like we have fields full of Canada geese everywhere you look here this year.

Lucy said...

Holi canoli, six inches of snow! We've just started to hit the 80's here in Sac. :-)

Chad Oneil Myers said...

"Holi Canoli"? Definitely a "Nerd Word".