Our weather turned blustery on Tuesday with a strong cold front moving in. Wednesday again was cool and blustery, finally triggering rutting activity in the Whitetail herd.
While watching a field for bucks last evening I noticed this male cardinal watching from the bushes. He sat there all fluffed up insulating himself from the cold.
The Cardinal reminded me of myself all bundled up trying to remain comfortable in temperatures to which we have not yet grown accustomed to.
While watching a field for bucks last evening I noticed this male cardinal watching from the bushes. He sat there all fluffed up insulating himself from the cold.
The Cardinal reminded me of myself all bundled up trying to remain comfortable in temperatures to which we have not yet grown accustomed to.
Canon 30D 100-400 1;4.5-5.6L
I getting used to seeing thse birds now... but only on my friends blogs, we don't have these beautiful birds over here which is such a pity.
Keep warm and keep shooting these photographs, I'm looking forward to your 'rutting' pictures for sure.
We have a T.V. programme on BBC at the moment which goes out live each evening.. it's called 'Autumn Watch' if you have time check it out...http://www.bbc.co.uk/earth/nature/uk/autumnwatch/ They have some 'Live Cams' out and about
Beautiful birds.
Salty, this would make a perfect greeting card. I love the composition, the colors and the beautiful cardinal.
Great capture.
Great bird.
Great photo.
Great stuff Salty
The colour is so awesome :D
Lovely cardinal! We have a pair which has been at our yard lately (lots of holly trees in my yard and the neighbor's -- they do love those berries!). Your bird really does seem fluffed up from the cold!
Great capture of the Cardinal..He does look chilly!! Also Like your shot of the woodpecker in earlier post!! Two beautiful captures!
I think this Global Warming has done something to our birds around here. We had the normal number of birds here and those migrating through and then one day that was it. Nothing left. All gone. In my 45 years on this property this is the first time it has ever happened. The hawks come and set and wait and watch but nothing moves because there isn't anything. We had an abundance this summer and fall up to now but nothing since. Just me and the hawk and the 14 - 20 squirrels that used to show up every morning are down to 3 or 4.
I like your photograph a lot. And I posted some cardinals on my birds blog yesterday.
i love this photo!
Love Cardinals but have never been able to get a photo of those, around here.
Did I say I love this photo? ,-) Yes, he does look all fluffed up, because of the cold. Too bad we can't do the same hu? :-)
This is a beautiful image. He does look a bit chilly!! :) :)
Such an appealing picture. He does look cozy :)
I agree with photowannabe.....this would make a beautiful Christmas Card! These birds are very hard to get shots of. I have tried and tried and tried :)
Nice job!!!
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