While my wife & I dined on our deck this evening I noticed two raptors in the sky. One was quite high wheeling in circles with the other much lower approaching directly towards our home. As the nearer bird passed overhead, I realized that it was a mature Bald Eagle. What an inopportune time for my camera to be in the house!
Hoping for another fly-over I retrieved my camera in time for the other bird, a Red-tailed hawk to pass by. This evening proved to be a painful reminder to never leave the camera behind.
Cool. Too bad you missed the Eagle though. What a rare sighting...for either bird!
Sorry you missed such a magnificent bird but the Hawk is pretty awesome. The sun highlighting his face just makes the shot.
The hawk photo makes up for it - I love how you captured his wing spread.
Wish you could have caught the eagle! The hawk is a beautiful bird though so iyou got a great catch anyway!
Salty: Love the picture, what a great capture. You have my vote as a great photographer.
We all do it at times Salty.. but atleast you got the Red Tailed Hawk.. this is a bird I'm going to be reading up on.
A bald eagle in PA...I wish I could see one here. So nice you got your camera and the hawk cooperated. He's a beauty!
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