As a thundershower rapidly approached this evening; I found a neighboring farmer racing for shelter ahead of the cloudburst.
Growing up on the farm I often welcomed the cooling relief of a good summer thunder shower. Baling hay with the old square baler and stacking it in the barn was hot dusty work. A distant rumble of thunder or an approaching dark cloud held promise of a respite.
Growing up on the farm I often welcomed the cooling relief of a good summer thunder shower. Baling hay with the old square baler and stacking it in the barn was hot dusty work. A distant rumble of thunder or an approaching dark cloud held promise of a respite.
Salty: It looks like the rain is really close and I'm sure this guy wants to get to the barn.
Great capture of the approaching storm. I'm sure it could be a welcome relief to a hot dusty day.
Wow, awesome photo. That storm looked liked it came obviously without warning... great shot.
Mountain Retreat
Looks like he's doing a dangerous maneuver while the tractor is still moving! I see the motion blur of the back wheels.
I just missed catching some farmers baling yesterday.. they were just leaving the field and heading back towards the farm... I came across another field that was cut and ready to be done.. I took a picture or two and thought I'd call back after my walk to see if it was being baled.. Missed it... it was all done and moved..bad timing but the walk was great and I got a few pictures of some birds I was after.. I'll show them soon.
Baling looks like hard work. Kudos to all the farmers out there.
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