As quickly as it arrived, a female Hummingbird prepares to leave her perch.
With my brothers family enjoying their visit to Yellowstone, I have been raiding their hummingbird feeding station for images.
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great photo! looks like you caught it in action!
They are quick.
Beautiful, great catch indeed. She looks like a conductor :-)
This is an unusual shot, as she is about to take off again. Very nice.
I just learned that all my stuff, photos and such, was being published on a site in Spain. I went there and sure enough it was. So I had to change my RSS feed from Full to Short and that took the photos off and left only a sentence or two on their site. I have asked them to remove it all but will have to wait and see. I did not see you there yet which surprised me as good as you are.
I have also been spammed twice by the same guy and reported him to blogger. So I have no idea what is next. I might have to change my blog or make it by invitation only or quite altogether.
The photo is excellent. I like it a lot.
Your brother's hummingbird feeder has turned out to be a great place to hang out! Nice shot.
What an amazing action shot! You were certainly on the money with this one! I have been trying all summer but most were blurred.
Have a wonderful weekend!
My Camera Critters Here and Here
Great shot! Can't believe you were able to catch him this clearly!
Very beautiful! I loved how you captured the movement!
Here's my camera critter for this week.
At the speed the wings on these little birds go at this is a marvellous capture.
Great picture. Hummingbirds are fascinating.
Very nice capture. I enjoy looking at your images.
You had to be quick to get that shot.
Salty: Great shot of the hummer, it is a beautiful bird.
Great shot Salty, I would have done the same thing since they do not want to show up at my house.
wow! superb capture!
Great get!
Awesome capture Salty!!! I almost got a shot of a hummingbird yesterday, but it flew away before I got close enough. I sure wish you were around and could teach me how to capture moving subjects like this!
so glad you did sandy
wow...this is so neat, Salty. We always see hummingbirds with their wings behind them. This is a different glimpse..and great, as always!
Beautiful Hummer image! No one does it as well as you Salty!
Enjoy the last day of August!
Spectacular Salty. I love the action and the colors.
Great shot! I wish I could get one like that.
Critter Post
Nice shot it is so pretty.
I LOVE hummingbirds. I know there are a few around here but I just attract them yet. I found one last weekend inside an antique store and tried to grab a few shots... it didn't turn out. :-) Yours turned out great - as always!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
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