Thursday, August 21, 2008

SkyWatch, Fluffy Clouds

Fluffy white clouds on a background of blue sky crown the colonial village. A tranquil scene, but we know with Redcoats camped behind the village and Indians slinking through town that trouble is near at hand.

More to come………..


Shelley said...

I love the history of these log cabins and I like the shot you captured here. I'm a big cabin nut (as I have a blog dedicated to mine) but there's something about these older cabins that seem more cozier...

Brad Myers said...

Great shots, its easy to see why you won at the fair they were fantastic images.

magiceye said...

makes for a very pretty picture. lovely composition..

Check out the Mumbai sky here

Louise said...

I love it! Those cabins are charming. But I'm glad I wasn't in them 230+ years ago!

HFD60 said...

Very nice images....I love seeing history come to life...

Anonymous said...

I think I would be taking cover in one of those cabin.

Salty I just saw your first place shots at the fair! Congrats on them. I can certainly see why they won. The shot with the old barns and the orange sky is fantastic. Well done!

Shimmy Mom said...

You have amazing shots on your site! There is something magical about old log cabins they almost take you back to that time and place. I love the "lined up" point of view of your shot.

Carletta said...

Can you imagine how clear and blue the skies would have been back then? I bet they were awesome.
Love the photo!

Tell your wife I would have gasped too!

Looks like a fun visit.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Love the setting here, those cabins look really cute

imac said...

Looks a great place Salty, hope you enjoyed.
Love the sky photo.

Anonymous said...

I must say that it would be almost impossible to find a better foreground for a sky watch picture than this one. Nice.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Salty: What a cool capture from the old village, you must have enjoyed your time there.

Anonymous said...

nicely captured - love the contrast between the old cabin and the new sky. Or is it new cabin and old sky?

Kelly said...

Great photo and wonderful history of these log cabins! Great sky overlooking all of this history and glory!

Anonymous said...

great photo but where is the well feed Indian...

photowannabe said...

I feel like I have stepped back in time. Great composition and those puffy clouds are so picturesque.

bcmomtoo said...

It does look very tranquil there. Watch out for those Redcoats!

Mary said...

such a bright and pretty sky!

Arija said...

Lovely sunny, well composed picture with history as a bonus. Thanks for the accompanying historical notes.

Catherine said...

Looks like a beautiful shot right out of a history book! :) I love the old cabins, & that beautiful blue sky & fluffy white clouds!
Gorgeous skywatch capture Salty!
Have a beautiful week!:)

Tom said...

This is a great post for Sky Watch.. :O)