As a lifelong conservative republican, for the first time in my life, I find myself undecided at this point in an election year.
I have always supported the republican candidate for the presidency as their espoused values have always mirrored mine than did the opposition. Not only does time change but so do we, along with the values and actions of political parties.
I have watched as Ronald Regan’s trickle down economics has become “flood up” filling the pockets of the wealthy. Republican tax cuts have slashed the tax burden on the wealthy while making only minor changes for the middle working class.
Labor unions have had their backs broken and the American blue collar worker has had to make do with an ever shrinking piece of the American pie. Employers can order mandatory overtime, working laborers seven days a week indefinitely under the threat of discharge if they don’t comply. Outsourcing overseas for short-term profits has crippled the manufacturing base of the USA while at the same time we have watched our trade deficit skyrocket.
Big oil is chalking up record profits quarter after quarter while the working class suffer under back breaking energy cost. Food prices are rising while at the same time farmers are going broke putting diesel fuel in their machinery and buying fertilizer at a price per ton that only a few years ago would have bought an acre of land.
President Bush takes credit for the Medicare prescription drug plan but does he mention that he insisted that it specifically forbids using the buying power of this large plan to negotiate prices and instead pay top price. Of course it doesn’t really matter how much we pay for the drugs, we’ll add it to the deficit.
I have also watched McCain throughout the years and have always admired his independent stand on many issues. Much to his credit many times McCain has not toed the party line. I really thought that here was a man who could make a difference. Listening to him now I find my hopes dashed, he is sounding more and more like McSame, toeing the party line, continuing the agenda of the administration we have had for eight long years.
John, its time for a change!
I have always supported the republican candidate for the presidency as their espoused values have always mirrored mine than did the opposition. Not only does time change but so do we, along with the values and actions of political parties.
I have watched as Ronald Regan’s trickle down economics has become “flood up” filling the pockets of the wealthy. Republican tax cuts have slashed the tax burden on the wealthy while making only minor changes for the middle working class.
Labor unions have had their backs broken and the American blue collar worker has had to make do with an ever shrinking piece of the American pie. Employers can order mandatory overtime, working laborers seven days a week indefinitely under the threat of discharge if they don’t comply. Outsourcing overseas for short-term profits has crippled the manufacturing base of the USA while at the same time we have watched our trade deficit skyrocket.
Big oil is chalking up record profits quarter after quarter while the working class suffer under back breaking energy cost. Food prices are rising while at the same time farmers are going broke putting diesel fuel in their machinery and buying fertilizer at a price per ton that only a few years ago would have bought an acre of land.
President Bush takes credit for the Medicare prescription drug plan but does he mention that he insisted that it specifically forbids using the buying power of this large plan to negotiate prices and instead pay top price. Of course it doesn’t really matter how much we pay for the drugs, we’ll add it to the deficit.
I have also watched McCain throughout the years and have always admired his independent stand on many issues. Much to his credit many times McCain has not toed the party line. I really thought that here was a man who could make a difference. Listening to him now I find my hopes dashed, he is sounding more and more like McSame, toeing the party line, continuing the agenda of the administration we have had for eight long years.
John, its time for a change!
Thanks for being candid and honest about your political views on here.
I enjoyed reading your thoughts, but like I told someone just last evening, politics and religion I never discuss, it just leads to fighting.
But I really did enjoy your thoughts. The actors read their speeches well last night at the Republican convention don't you think?
Salty: I have said many of the same things. The situation we are in now is unacceptable and the Republicans want more of the same. We were headed to a more balance in the budget until Bush decided we had more money too use then we have. We are in debt and everyone, who has normal income, are hurting.
First and foremost I must tell you I LOVE THE FROGS...
But then I REALLY like frogs...
We here have watched both Conventions, one is almost finished, as well as many of the debates throughout these last 18 months.
I feel it is important to know as much about ANY candidate...
Sad to say some seem less informed, no matter the LEVEL of the office
Bottom line VOTE...
I have always been a conservative Republican too. Not happy with the "new McCain" but just can't see myself voting for the other one and his VP choice.
I never talk politics either but find myself in a quandry this time.
Actually there is no Mc Same - Mc Cain is not that fond of Bush though photo ops seem it sometimes. Mc Cain is a maverick neo conservative who if for those 5 years alone - deserves the presidency of the country he fought for,and was imprisoned for..
I usually just follow who has a game plan that I'm in line with and most times it's almost a why bother because one seems just as bad as the other, but I still vote.
This is the first election since the Kennedys that I have seen "the people" this riled up and excited with hope for change and that change is due to Obama. People of this country are crying for help. I may like some of the things McCain says but I can't guarantee it won't wind up the same ol' stuff. I'm voting for change and I don't see how it could wind up any worse but I sure thinks it's worth the try. I'm going for someone without all the "experience" because just maybe they haven't been completely corrupted by the system and really do want to make a change.
I've decided I am a diehard Republicrat! I have voted both ways for president and other office in the past based on the person running and their ideas, views, etc. I don't think you ever agree with anyone completely. I will say, any indecision that remained endeed when McCain picked his running mate. Either he thinks women are stupid and he'll get their vote just by putting a woman on the ballot or his first major decision was a very poor one - already surrounded by controversy. I seriously question her "family values" NOT because her teen daughter is pregnant (sadly that happens even in the best of families)but that she is agreeing to put that poor girl up for public scrutiny along with the father who also has no choice about it. Additionally, she has a 4/5 month old DS baby. Clearly career is WAY more important than family.
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