Monday, October 20, 2008


A young bull bugles his challenge

If the dominate breeding bull were to take him serious he would be ready to flee without protest

After spending a few days with in Elk County during Pennsylvania elk rut, the woodlands of southern Pa seem strangely quiet. During my short stay the squealing, braying, grunting sounds of elk bugles filled the air only becoming quiet for a short time around mid day.


photowannabe said...

Perfect capture. I think I can hear him myself.

Unknown said...

We definitely don't have deer like that in south Florida. That's a monster!

Anonymous said...

Amazing shot. Such a gorgeous animal. I love your little sparrow from you last post too. He does look like hes having a bad feather day.

Mike said...

Stunning images, nice blog you have here.

Shelley said...

This needs to be entered into a photo contest - brilliant!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

salty: they do have a haunting bugle. I can't imagine the excitedment when you hear them in real life.

Marvin said...

Awesome shot, Salty.

DeeMom said...

Is this Crazy Legs?

Michele said...

This is fantastic! I'm in awe of this shot!

Gretchen said...

This is the first year I've heard the bugling and it's just awe inspiring to stand there and listen.