Cold spring nights sometime result in delicate ice patterns that soon disappear in the morning sun. While pursuing waterfowl with the boat on a recent morning I discovered these feathery ice patterns on the shallow water of a small cove.
While I do not comprehend the how’s and why’s of the formations of these interesting patterns produced as the liquid becomes solid I certainly do appreciate the fleeting intricate beauty that nature sends our way.
That's definitely thick enough to walk on! (Not so famous last words ...)
That is inticate indeed and so pretty.
Salty: That certainly is beautiful.
Amazing how much they look like feathers...
For a moment I thought they "were" feathers. You are so eloquent and describe things so beautifully. Nice photo! And thank you Salty, for your kind comments and continued encouragement regarding my photos.
Almost remind me of feathers. Nice macro.
I found your blog through Montanagirl and thought I'd stop in and visit. Nice photographs! I too started with a Minolta but now have a Canon EOS Rebel XT that I've had for about 4 years, but would like to upgrade to a 40 or 50D. Will be back to visit...debbie
I thought they were feathers until I read your post. Wonderful capture Salty.
I'm glad you appreciate it enough to post it. This is incredible!
WOW!! How beautiful! At first I thought they were feathers..Nauture is amazing!!
And so are you captures Salty!
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