While riding along the creek bottom this evening a Whitetail Fawn bounced into the path and ran towards me bouncing as it came. Stopping the gator I leveled the camera as a buck and doe stepped from the bushes, their attention focused on me and the naive little fawn.
When the fawn stopped I framed the shot so as to include the adults in the background. In a moment the fawn realized its mistake and bounded back to mom and together they all made their escape.
As you can see the fawns are growing rapidly. Compare this fawn to the one in the header. The header image was captured only three weeks ago.
For more Critters of all kinds visit our friend Misty’s Camera Critters Blog
When the fawn stopped I framed the shot so as to include the adults in the background. In a moment the fawn realized its mistake and bounded back to mom and together they all made their escape.
As you can see the fawns are growing rapidly. Compare this fawn to the one in the header. The header image was captured only three weeks ago.
For more Critters of all kinds visit our friend Misty’s Camera Critters Blog
Niftly family photo! You were lucky to get them all in the shot! Wow! The fawns are so cute. Nice job!...debbie
Beautiful catch. I know there ae deer in our area but very seldom see them. You are very lucky. I used to live in Manheim PA and shipped a lot of horses. Night times you would see a lot of deer along the road.
Great picture! We have a whitetail deer and her fawn hanging out on our property too. So cute!
Nice shot of the family! I can just imagine mom and dad yelling to the fawn (if deer could yell), "Stop, danger, danger! Come back!" Just like kids and moms and dads everywhere.
I love the way you shot them. And they are beautiful!
Beautiful shot. I like the family all looking at you.
I also liked your flying dragonfly. I saw one here yesterday and took a bunch of bad photos. I should have known better. I tried it without my glasses on.
...sweet photo. I love the expression on the fawn's face. Also like mom and dad so intent in the background. It's always takes me breath away when I stumble on a deer...
Salty: I love the little ones, I haven't seen any this year. That can change in an instant.
So interesting post!
Happy Camera Critters!
purrs and love
Luna(from Brazil)
Not a lot of deer in my 'hood.
I played too :)
Wonderful capture :) We don't see wildlife like that around here.
Nice capture! The fawns are so cute, and sometimes very inquisitive, while not realizing the dangers.
Just a beautiful shot of beautiful creatures.
This is a great shot, one of those I'm dreaming to get one day!!
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