Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Feeder Fotos

When I awoke Monday morning the snow was falling at a rapid pace.  I decided that spending the day at the feeders was a more appealing option than driving the slick roads across two mountains to get to the office.
The following photos are the best shots of the day.  All photos were with a Canon EOS 6D, Canon 600 f4L IS USM.
Dark-eyed Junco

White-throated Sparrow
 Northern Cardinal Female

 Northern Cardinal Male 
 White-breasted Nuthatch

Tufted Titmouse


Woody Meristem said...


Jessica Allen said...

These are just gorgeous! I especially love the final photo. So, so cute!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Lovely shots. Some of those birds don't look too impressed with the weather. :)

Montanagirl said...

I'm so glad you stayed home and took these beautiful photos to share with us!! I especially love those Cardinals.

Linda said...

Beautiful captures! :)

Larry Ostby said...

Your feeders provide some great home photos.

Kerri Farley said...

My kind of snow day! Beautiful captures!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful captures.