After dinner this evening I made a quick dash to the local wetlands. The wood duck ducklings were scattered along the eastern shoreline feeding. The little critters were very much on guard and scattered into the marsh. With the strong backlighting from the evening sun nearing the horizon the images I managed to capture of the fleeing birds left much to be desired.
Moving to the western shore I took a position partially concealed near the waters edge. A short time later a Bullfrog surfaced close by. The light was perfect, the frog was facing me directly and its legs were spread symmetrically below the surface, the perfect shot.
As I brought the camera into position I realized that I needed to flip the focus button to close-up. While fumbling with the tiny slider the frog became alarmed and submerged.
As the shadows lengthened, this Bullfrog surfaced only a few feet away. Slowly bringing the camera on target I fired a few shots. This image in no way compared to the “one that got away”.